With the season of summer, the *sigh* in the middle of the year, and the blessing of vacation, I want to be about soul addition. Brainstorm with me--what adds to the soul? And more specifically, what adds to your soul? My list is just an impetus. Add your own edits.
*Silence adds to my soul (in limited doses)
*Natural beauty and grand, non-industrialized landscapes add to my soul
*Laughter, music, coffee, and art add to my soul
*Tears for someone other than myself (admittedly rare) add to my soul
*Companionship can add to my soul, but not to the exclusion of solitude
*Realizing my incredible smallness in comparison to the current in which I swim surprisingly adds to my soul
*Fresh-fruit smoothies and the Sunday comics must make this list of soul addition
*A sharp pencil with a good eraser and a blank sheet of paper adds to my soul
*Deliberate "pausing"--being intentionally unproductive--adds to my soul (but I cringe each time)
*Exercise adds to my soul, especially hiking on new-to-me trails
*Fireflies at dusk and dragonflies at noon add to my soul (not mosquitoes, however)
*Experiencing the bliss of my wife and children when they are finding soul addition adds to my soul
*Crumbling up this and all lists adds to my soul...